Wednesday, February 07, 2007

G4 Rocks!

Since I got another short term gig in Florida, I've been staying with my peep John in Kissimmee (kiss-a-me? Kiss-is-a-me-e-e...something like that) and it's been an eye opening experience. The man has a 54 inch TV (it may be smaller, men always lie about size), TiVo and at least a million cable channels. Before I got here I had been living without cable due to my horrible and debilitating TV addiction (fully justified of course by the fact that it is after all, my job). I also had some quaint notion of taking up some serious reading in preparation of further grad school. I have to admit, I quickly grew accustomed to the quiet, Netflix and books. Needless to say since having TV at my beck and call, I've been catching up with the latest and greatest TV channels,. I'm sure everyone already knows this channel, but for those of you who are cable-challenged, I'd like to take a moment to recommend one to you. It's G4 TV, a network started in 2002 and it's geared towards the world of technology, popular arts, music and all things trendy. What is particularly interesting about it is that they broadcast viewer content and the whole model for programming is unique and interactive. To give you a taste, here's a short quote from an article they ran yesterday on their website - you gotta love them.

Heroic Astronaut Shoots For The Stars!

Posted by sjohnson - Tuesday, February 06, 2007 3:00 PM

Oh, brave NASA Astronauts, how will you fill us with wonder next?

First you orbited our world, the only people ever able to see England and America at once; then you took Man's first halting steps on the moon, (and the first steps into our future); and now you've driven over 900 miles with a BB-Gun, a roll of duct tape and a hunting knife in a quest to kill your romantic rival. Fly on, brave space flyer!

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