Wednesday, January 31, 2007

For Everyone Obsessed with Mac

And even if you aren't...I still wanna take a minute to talk about the upcoming release of the Apple's IPhone. Everyone I know is going ape-shit in anticipation of this thing, and for good reason. It's the trendiest lil' gadget that does everything except poop and cry for it's mommy. Is it a phone? is it an Ipod? Is it an internet device? Does it take pictures?!? Who cares?!?! I want it. I want it.

Sure, there's a ton of things to be said about this phone, but I'm going to leave that to the experts and nerds. I just want it.

  • Official Apple site

  • the Tao of Mac

  • ***UPDATE: It's out, I've played with it, I still want it...butI'm going to wait until version 2 comes out. This will let them get all the kinks out and allow me to finish out the remainder of my contract :)

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