I got an email from my sister Sydney. She's getting married in the spring sometime (she hasn't sent out the invitations yet) and she wanted to know if I would be interested in helping her with the design of her cake...her cupcake cake. I'm really glad she asked, because even though I'm 36 years old, I've only been to three weddings, 3!!! How does anyone in this day and age not go to like a million weddings before the age of 30? Well, partially it's because most of my friends are either gay, still single or living in Germany, which makes attendance impractical. And since I'm not married (yeah. I know, I don't understand it either. I'm such a catch) I still have a tiny bit of interest in seeing those I love tie the

So yesterday, Suzanne and I gathered inspiration and ideas by looking at a million cupcakes online...needless to say now I can't get those tiny palm-sized treats out of my mind...CUPCAKES - they're a sinful indulgence that is just small enough that pleasure and guilt are perfectly balanced in their frostingly-topped moistness. The number of blogs and websites dedicated to this little artistic bit-sized morsel is endless. I saw a funny title from Poland on www.mcnblogs.com that said "Cupcakes are the new cocaine". And Neil Kramer on his www.blogebrity.com blog asked the question, "can anyone explain why female bloggers are so obsessed with baking and eating cupcakes?" It's true, there are like a million sites dedicated to what can only be called Cupcake porn. Here's a short list of some I liked:
Great blog for inspirational pictures and links to all things cupcakedy...
The Portland Oregon store where we'll buy Sydney's wedding cupcakes...
A great site for vegan recipes...
A bakery in Sherman Oaks California that makes beautiful cupcakes (however, I can't testify to the taste)...
A nicely designed blog with many fabulous and exotic recipes:
Warning: Look at your own risk. May cause uncontrollable sweet-tooth cravings. Known side effects include an urgent need to buy dozens of high-calorie baked goods at your local bakery.
1 comment:
and www.thecupcakesclub.com a new children's book series...they're everywhere, aren't they?
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